Rotterdam Square Event: Cutting-Edge Diagnostic Innovations for Enhanced Healthcare Outcomes


On Thursday, September 12, you are very welcome to join the first Rotterdam Square event after the summer: Cutting-Edge Diagnostic Innovations for Enhanced Healthcare Outcomes.

This knowledge-driven event will give you insights in some of the latest developments in the field of diagnostics, one of our focus areas. We will be joined by prof. dr. Peter van der Spek, renowned Professor of Clinical Bioinformatics of the department of Pathology at Erasmus MC, who will share more about how innovative diagnostics can contribute to improving healthcare and healthcare outcomes for patients.

During the event, the program will have plenty of room for interaction with the audience. If you have any questions about this topic, join the conversation!

Date: September 12, 2024
Time: 15:30-18:30
Location: Restaurant Feel Good, Erasmus MC, building Ns-169 – Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD, Rotterdam

Register now

Source: Rotterdam Square

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